Virtual Tour

Google Earth Projects by Daniel W. Bates

Opening Day

Never has such a useful tool been so soaked in redundancies and needless confusion. Google Earth creation tools are specific to Google Earth “on web” which is not to be confused with either Google Earth “on mobile” or Google Earth “pro for desktop”. To further complicate matters Google Earth on web and presentations made with same only work with Chrome browsers. Nevertheless, potential is enormous.

My first foray into the new creation tools. If your default browser isn’t Chrome you need to copy the link and paste it into a Chrome window.

Plum Island Sound

So Co

So Co

Constructing the switch by Daniel W. Bates

Tremendous progress to report on The Switch Ridable Artscape. The all volunteer force has completed virtually all of the earthen prep work and now awaits the arrival of team Artisan’s heavy equipment as it rolls eastward from the midwest. Team anticipates concrete pour late in the month of August.

A self guided immersive 360 tour of the site is available on Google Maps. [Click and drag]

Watch this space for a November grand opening